Winter 2019/20

5 Jan 2020

I didn't sail again after Barts Bash though spent a lot of time aboard. Still having trouble with the diesel system and unreliable starting. After much thought and much discussion with others at the club I decided that the best course of action was to get a new tank. Tek Tanks made one and shipped it to me, it looked beautiful and well labelled:

Bay Leaf was craned out in mid November and sat nicely on some blocks of wood in the car park. I jetwashed and scraped the hull right away but the plan is to scrub and repaint the bottom in the Spring. Having pumped out the dodgy diesel I took it to the local tip where they happily took it off me. I got local marine engineer Lee to remove the old steel tank (which turned out to be full mostly of sludge) and my temporary tank system. He fitted the new tank and replaced the fuel line all the way to the engine, and I tipped in 10 litres of fresh diesel. Can't really test it all while she's ashore but hopefully it will be better now!

In December I had Bay Leaf surveyed. This was partly for insurance purposes, so I can get comprehensive insurance, but also to give me a list of things to do! As I hoped, she turned out to be basically sound but here's my list of jobs:

Bay Leaf survey Dec 2019

  • Must do before launch:
    • Rudder Bolt
    • Replace gate valves on engine intake and cockpit drains
    • Service the Blake valves on the toilet
    • Replace hull anode - zinc anode on galvanised studs - and internal wiring
  • Should do before cruising
    • Two clips on all hoses
    • Replace cord on the side wires
    • Shrouds, remove PVC and clean
    • Fix engine gear control cable outer at gearbox
    • Replace the exhaust hose
    • Inspect exhaust muffler
    • Clean out the glass bowl on the fuel filter
    • Clean and inspect the secondary fuel filter
    • Replace the element in the secondary fuel filter
    • Sort out fuel tank dipstick
    • Get and fit a new anchor chain 45m 8mm
    • Fix anchor chain at bitter end with cord
    • Strap around gas bottle
    • Secure copper gas pipe near bottle
    • Strap on both batteries
    • Fix the steaming light
    • Tether the bilge pump handle
    • Get another bucket with lanyard
    • Motoring cone
    • Fire extinguishers
    • Fire blanket
    • Flare pack
  • Some time next year
    • Inspect all hull blisters
    • Keels - remove the stopping compound, remove all paint, add rust treatment, repaint the keels, re-apply stopping compound
    • Repair the GRP tabbing inside the hull starboard side
    • Repaint the non slip deck paint
    • Remove and repair the bow roller assembly
    • Replace the old fuel lines on the diesel return and the vent pipe
    • Replace the gas hose which is dated 2015
    • Look at that single red wire on the battery and fit a fuse to it

Lots of that is simple and the hard ones are still do-able. So before crane-in in mid March, as well as hull polish and antifoul, I will get the urgent items done and some of the should-do items I hope. Also I must fit the radio. 


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