Combined Dinghy and Cruiser Race

24 July 2016

On Sunday, as part of the diamond jubilee series of events, the club had a combined dinghy and cruiser race. Georgia had brought a picnic so we had time to make a start on that before the race briefing at 1245 and we put to sea just after 1300.

There was a fairly steady F4-5 from the southwest and bright skies most of the afternoon. The race officer had used the usual dinghy race marks but set them slightly further apart to make the lap longer than the dinghies usually see. For the cruisers it meant there was no need for GPS navigation as we could see where the next mark was. The cruisers got a 5, 4, 1, Go countdown for a 1400 start and we crossed the line near the middle of the fleet of 5 cruisers taking part. Five minutes later about the same number of dinghies had their start and set off after us.

Conditions were quite tiring and we struggled a bit on the first beat, with me on the helm and Georgia struggling to haul the sheets in as we tacked around.We found ourselves quite close to our friend Martin with his daughter Lizzie in their Hunter Europa, a 19' cruiser we've never raced with before. This was all quite exciting as we went round the first and second then third mark close together. No time to take photos at this point!

By now we'd swapped places and with Georgia on the helm and me on the sheets, we got the boat in better shape and made more progress on the windward legs.

The dinghies quickly caught us up and a Lark whizzed past, then a 420, and we heard a faint cry of 'starboard' and found Charles in a Laser almost underneath us! As we finished lap one we'd managed, with the boat in better shape, to pull away from the Hunter and we really started to enjoy the race despite a lot of heeling and generally crashing about in the wind.

We completed lap 2 and finished the race after about 1 hr 2 mins, on corrected time we were 4th out of the 5 cruisers. Great fun though tiring (for me anyway!).

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: A, Wind dir: SW, Ave wind: F4-5
1Dedicated DancerLimbo 69943YDavid Robinson0.82649;240;40;481.0
2CabreHunter Horizon 23130Ron Priest0.76953;590;41;312.0
3DancerHunter Delta8625Dick Holden0.84649;120;41;373.0
4ElsaSeal 22122Alistair Tyrrell0.79762;070;49;304.0
5Tally HoHunter Europa825EMartin Bartholomew0.82265;190;53;415.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8

The conditions were ideal for sailing straight back up the river so in we went and back onto the berth by 1530. Georgia's picnic included things for tea so we sat and had cake and jam tarts in the sunshine until we felt ready to pack the boat up. Quite a lot of banter ensued with the other racers but we'd all had a great time.


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