Bunting and frolics

9 May 2015

Today was the club Open Day and I’d volunteered to take people out for boat rides. My friend Dani was with me and she’d brought bunting which we managed to hang over the spreaders. Sorting all that out in the wind and rain in the morning left us a bit bedraggled but by the time the event got going, the sun had come out and the enthusiasm had recovered itself.

The lifeboat guys brought Blue Peter 1 over to join us which added a dash of glamour and orangeness!

Blowing quite a stiff westerly we’d already decided just to go motoring up and down the river and not venture outside the harbour. David was more keen than us and took several groups out to sea in Dedicated Dancer and they all had a great time but came back wet!

During the afternoon we ended up going out and back about five times with three to six people aboard each time, including some young families with small children which was great fun. Even with sails down, we were heeling in the breeze, the bunting must have been catching the gusts! Thanks to Stuart for taking some pictures as we went past.

Very enjoyable motoring up an down the river talking like a tour guide, the club RIBs were also full of visitors and a couple of dinghies came out as well. 

In between trips we were able to step ashore for brief refreshment breaks but there was always another boatload waiting to go out. We had a great day and hopefully helped to sign up some new members!


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